Sunday, April 25, 2010

Uh oh...

...Comedy Central caves to the demands of Terrorist Wannabes.

Baltimore Sun:

It's not even that the terrorists have won, it's that wannabe terrorists have won.

A group called Revolution Muslim, which by most accounts seems less a terrorist cell than, metaphorically speaking, a couple of guys living in their parents' basements, managed to scare Comedy Central this week into censoring South Park for mocking their religion, or rather, the ban in some quarters of depictions of the prophet Muhammed.

The Anti-Defamation League, which has tracked the New York-based Revolution Muslim, says the group has no more than about a dozen members, is known mainly for spouting anti-Semitism, handing out pamphlets on the sidewalks of New York and picketing mosques that it thinks aren't radical enough. The founders are converts to Islam, including one who previously was Jewish and associated with a group called, no joke, Jews for Allah.

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Sunday Funnies

More at Flopping Aces


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday Funnies

More at Flopping Aces


Friday, April 16, 2010

"These are my people..."

Hat tip: Flopping Aces

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shannon Galloway on ABC World News Tonight

Shannon is the widow of Chris Galloway, Flopping Aces author and patriot who served his country enthusiastically, including tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Major Galloway committed suicide last year.

Shannon will be on ABC World News Tonight, 6:30pm, EST.

Here is an accompanying article.

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Sunday, April 04, 2010

President Obama Taking the Christ Out of Easter?

President Obama literally edited Christ out of his “holiday greeting” today when he excerpted a sermon given by a military chaplain on Iwo Jima on Easter Sunday 1945.

Below is the relevant paragraph from Obama’s holiday greeting today:

The rites of Passover, and the traditions of Easter, have been marked by people in every corner of the planet for thousands of years. They have been marked in times of peace, in times of upheaval, in times of war.

One such war-time service was held on the black sands of Iwo Jima more than sixty years ago. There, in the wake of some of the fiercest fighting of World War II, a chaplain rose to deliver an Easter sermon, consecrating the memory, he said “of American dead – Catholic, Protestant, Jew. Together,” he said, “they huddled in foxholes or crouched in the bloody sands…Together they practiced virtue, patriotism, love of country, love of you and of me.” The chaplain continued, “The heritage they have left us, the vision of a new world, [was] made possible by the common bond that united them…their only hope that this unity will endure.”

Their only hope that this unity will endure.

Now read below the same paragraph again, but this time note the additional bolded language that comes from the original audio of the 1945 sermon and its context, but which President Obama decided not to include:
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Happy Easter!

More Sunday Funnies at Flopping Aces


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