Thursday, July 04, 2013

The Greatest Play in Baseball History

I will give any of you who can identify the story behind this photo a patriotic hi five without Googling and before clicking below for the information.  (A video clip of the incident appears in my Madison Rising video).

Hint:  It occurred on April 26th of our bicentennial year....

Second hint:  Even though today is a Thursday, this is a story about Monday...

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Madison Rising and the Star-Spangled Banner


 For the most part, I cringe whenever someone takes something like the National Anthem and in an attempt to inject some new life and interpretation into it, takes such liberties with the work that it becomes unrecognizable. That is so not the case with Madison Rising's kick-ass version...

 Certainly a more traditional rendition remains appropriate in formal settings (and there have been some really cringe-inducing, star-mangled performances done in the past); but until this version came out, I had never wanted to listen to the Star-Spangled Banner before in leisure, and as a rock song. This version, I actually listen to pretty regularly in the car as a track on one of my CD mixes. Victor Luebker:
Madison Rising has composed, produced and performed the most compelling rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner” since Francis Scott Key wrote the original poem in 1814. A rock band led by singer Dave Bray and guitarist Alex Bodnar, Madison Rising composes and performs guitar-heavy rock music with an explicitly patriotic pro-American message and sound.
If you liked this rendition of our national anthem, please take a click on over to the original video by the band; they are attempting to reach 5 million views by the end of July 4, 2013 (as of this writing, they are at 3,864,859). Please post and link their video wherever you can to help them achieve their goal. (My version is mostly for my own narcissistic amusement). Madison Rising:
Madison Rising brings great rock music back to the forefront of popular culture. With songs ranging from the guitar heavy opening track "Right To Bear," to the hauntingly epic sounds of "Honk If You Want Peace," to the beautiful violins of "Hallowed Ground," it is clear that this band is on a mission to not only make great music, but also send a message that American culture is alive and well. Madison Rising promotes the principles of liberty, independence, smaller government and personal responsibility.
Music, Hollywood, the arts can seem dominated by the liberal mindset and heartstrings; so it is always nice to listen to unapologetic conservative artists stamp their voices to their works.

Support them.

 Longer version of this post can be seen at Flopping Aces.

Happy Independence Day to whoever still visits these old haunts!  Thank you!  I'm still here, even if I don't post regularly like I once did.


Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

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