News from Iraq: The Two Bills and the Two Michaels
Michael Totten has another fascinating write-up, this one of the Marines’ effort to teach human rights to Iraqi police in Fallujah, as well as on the need for journalists and writers of all types to humanize both Iraqis and Americans.
Don’t forget to consider leaving a little something in the PayPal tip jar. Michael Totten could use the support.
Also, Michael Yon: AQI Losing Habitat in Iraq at Alarming Rate
And Bill Roggio: Al Qaeda in Iraq under pressure in Balad, Anbar
Iraqi, US forces capture senior Special Groups operative in Hillah
Read the accounts, and send the links on to your friends and enemies. You’ll be doing everyone a favor.
Cross-posted at Flopping AcesLabels: Bill Ardolino, Fallujah, Hearts and Minds, Iraq, michael Totten, milblogs, pro-victory
That was quite an informative read, Wordsmith. Thanks.
Yes, I imagine it would be hard to protect Iraq without guns or bullets! Totten says there is also the problem of teaching the Iraqi Police how to treat people more humanely, that it's their nature to be abusive. Not in those words, of course, but that's the gist of what he means. I hope they will be successful in teaching them human rights, otherwise Iraqis will consider it to be a police state and all hell will break loose.
Trotten and Michael Yon are in a league of their own. Excellent read.
Illuminating indeed. And as Karen said, a different league. Which is precisely why they are not being widely read -- they do not adhere to the common defeatist thread.
On the other hand, can anything but a true Dictator actually hold a Middle Eastern country together? Simply a question.
I added more at Flopping Aces.
Hmm...maybe I'll just update my post here.
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