The Pinkest Navy in the World Comes to Iran's Defense
While Iran is sounding the drumbeat for military confrontation (more details at Mike's America), Code Pink answers the call by demanding that we "don't Iraq Iran", and sending out their dreaded Flotilla Pink Armada to confront Congressman Ackerman and "save the world":
More moonbats in pink photos here.
More moonbats in pink photos here.
Yes, I saw these idiots on Fox News, Wordsmith. If the MSM would quit publicizing them they'd simply quit. It's all about being on television. They're attention whores. I now detest the color pink, thanks to them!
And we though the pinkos would never invade because communism fell!
Commies in canoes what a combination. I like Gayle's description calling them,"attention whores."
Liberal sluts would work also!
Hey, leave the Grannies alone! Why shouldn't we HELP Iran with their nuclear program and SHARE some of our weapons grade plutonium with them in the interest of COHESION and UNITY on the planet?
The one good thing is that they stick out like a sore thumb, so spotting them is easy. Guess it's time to pull the terms pinko and pinko commie out of the closet again.
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