Why are milblogs falling silent today?

"During the invasion of Iraq, Grisham took down a squad of Iraqis when his counterintelligence detachment got pinned down in an ambush. He earned the Bronze Star with "V" after rushing through the gunfire by himself with just a 9mm pistol and a hand grenade."
-Mudville Gazette (read all of it)
I'm sorry to say that this will not be the post I want to write, but the one that I allude to. What do I mean by this? Well, I've been remiss in following the plight of CJ, of A Soldier's Perspective, due to my own personal activities (which has seen me engaged on life support blogging, in general). But his is a story that I feel is important to cover, because it not only affects him (one of the finest patriots this country has, and everything you'd want in an American soldier), but affects everyone.
I'm sure some or most readers of FA are already familiar with CJ and what's going on. But for those who don't, I will link you to others who have done a fine job of covering this (Bookworm does a fine job of summarizing in a nutshell, here):
Partial list of participating players, by way of Greyhawk:
Participating blogs:
A Soldier's Perspective
You Served
The American Legion
Laughing Wolf
Hugh Hewitt
This Ain't Hell
Castle Argghhh
Boston Maggie
Miss Ladybug
Hooah Wife
Kiss My Gumbo
Some Soldiers Mom
Assoluta Tranquillita
Knee Deep in the Hooah
Soldiers' Angel New York
Drunken Wisdom
Grim's Hall
From my position
CDR Salamander
Confederate Yankee
Chromed Curses
Homefront Six
Pvt Murphey's Law
Delta Bravo Sierra
The Sniper
Another Voice
Support your Local Gunfighter
Knottie' s Niche
Great Reader JihadGene
America's North Shore Journal
Righty in a Lefty State
Thunder Run
Gazing at the Flag
Neptunus Lex
Soldiers Angels Germany
Bring the heat, bring the stupid
Little Drops..... Into the pool of life.
The Gun Line
In Iraq Now (at 56)
Army Houesehold6
Susan Katz Keating
The Mudville Gazette
The Dawn Patrol
Covering the story:
Michelle Malkin
National Review's The Corner
Ace of Spades
Jawa Report
Winds of Change
Cao's Blog
Free Republic
Dr. Melissa Clouthier
Villainous Company
The Washington Independent
If you are caught up with the story and want to lend your support to CJ, one means to consider is the legal fees he is taking on in fighting back: Grisham Legal Fund.
Cross-posted at Flopping Aces
Labels: milblogs
When we can no longer attract warriors to the cause, we are simply doomed.
That is the end of this country.
Thank you for the heads up..
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