Voting for a Candidate Because of Race to Get Beyond Race
REUTERS/Keith Bedford
When will it cease to matter? Do we really need Barack Obama as the proof that America is moving beyond race? He is everything I disagree with on policy issues. Not too keen on his character, either.
I got the following in an email, from a friend of mine (who is not an Obama supporter)
On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 1:07 AM, donna wrote:So, essentially what he's teaching his son is that skin color- not character content- matters? That "racial identity" is more important than "values identity"? What a great father. This is how racism persists, and how it is perpetuated into the next generation.
So tonight at the college while Nika was training , I spoke with a black
guy coach doing his privates.
He had Obama written on his chest.
I asked him in one sentence why Obama, he said
" he's black, end of story"
I let him go on and basically he represents a future for his son, that if he
can make it to the white house than his son can.
I told him, but what if, what if>>>> he's not the right guy, the smartest choice?
He said, blood is thicker than water, and his pigmentation says he's the right guy.
This coach is no idiot either....but his passion ran so deep, he was jumping off
the walls talking about it.
Interesting huh?
I told my friend to send that coach this video:
Hat tip for the video: Pierre Legrand
Cross-posted at Flopping Aces
Of related interest:
Black Caller Explains Why Obama Candidacy Is So Important To Him (Dennis Prager Show)
Obama's sister helps reach out to Asian-Americans
Barack Obama and Slavery (American Thinker)
My personal story on identity
Labels: Barack Obama, Election 2008, Racism
Has the coach not heard of men of honor like:
Clarence Thomas
Thomas Sowell
just to name two?
That's something else I wanted to have my friend ask him: Whether or not he'd vote Republican, if our candidate were black.
Certainly not a good reason to me; but I'm curious to know how much is in fact loyalty to skin color, and how much to political identity + skin color.
I am still trying to figure out why Obama is considered a black man, with a white mother. Why not a white man with a black father? Why is one race considered over the other? Why cant he celebrate being the best of both???
I watched the entire video, Wordsmith...2WOW!
This fantastic video is being stolen by yours truly and placed at the top of my blog. Thanks! :)
I watched the entire video, Wordsmith...2WOW!
This fantastic video is being stolen by yours truly and placed at the top of my blog. Thanks! :)
I guess that I'm also a Gun loving Racist.
So be it.
I guess that I'm also a Gun loving Racist.
So be it.
I'm like you Word, I could care less what color he is his political views, character and associations go against everything I believe in and stand for.
I would say the exact same thing if he was green, orange, purple, blue or white.
My vote is color blind yet if one has the gaul to disagree with Obama or dislikes his politics they are accused of being a racist. 100% agreement with Obama is the only thing that stops the racist charge. So I ask you, who then is the real racist ?
BTW, forgot to mention, FANTASTIC video. He needs to be out on the campign trail and the talking head shows for McCain!
Why is one race considered over the other?
It's a double standard, jungle mom. It's another reason why affirmative action and reparations is ridiculous. Have just one drop of blood from an ancestor who is negro, and you're considered black.
Glad you guys took the time to watch the video. Alfonzo Rachel should be hired by the McCain campaign as an opening act, and do Republican ads.
I could care less if Obama is Purple, he doesnt have the experience to lead this Country.
I remember that top photo. I snagged it awhile back but I'm not sure I've used it yet.
Yeah, you snagged it from me and used it right away, you loved it so much!
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