U.S. President Barack Obama listens to questions during a news conference in the Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House in Washington, June 23, 2009.
REUTERS/Jason Reed
And arrogant and annoyed.....
Obama: I Might Say Something Harsh About Iran If It Gets Really Really Bad
Obama Press Conference: He’s Waiting to See How Iran Crisis “Plays Out”
Obama “gets tough”… firmly defending his wuss response to Iran
Obama O.K. With Inviting Murderers to 4th of July Weenie Roast
Milbank: Nico Pitney and 'The Obama Show'
Labels: Barack Obama, Iran
bho contacted the over-lords in Iran before the 2008 elections!!..posted the article link on my site---
WS-how did this pawn get into office...who or what got him there!?
Presently monitoring.
That Son-of-a-Bitch isn't MY President and he never will be!
The founding fathers said "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created with certain inalienable rights..."
Oppressed people inherently know they should have freedom. Sometimes it takes a crisis to get them to band together and demand their rights.
Meanwhile, others sit by on the sidelines and wonder which side they should be on.
If he would only read the constitution (that he is trying to destroy), he'd know which side to be on.
Personally I don't see any evidence that Obama believes in our constitution. I wonder how the "Hope" and "Change" he promised while campaigning is working out for those who bought into it now? And just wait until they start getting their utilities bills if Cap and Trade passes!
He's SO perturbed whenever questioned or challenged. WHAT DID HE EXPECT? This man has bought into his celebrity bigger than ANYONE I've ever seen.
Did you see he can't have a bbq on the WH lawn without Bobby Flay?
Obviously above his pay grade.
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