Middle East Suffering from Post-Cairo Depression?

"Apparently", the new American administration doesn't have time for democracy-promoting/building...here (busy ramming a spoonful of socialized medicine down our throats) or elsewhere in the world. You see, in the words of the Democrats' (oh, the irony of the party's name!) "other candidate", Hillary, "they have a lot of other things on their plate."
Jackson Diehl reporting for WaPo:
The deflated Arab hopes for Obama
By Jackson Diehl
Monday, November 30, 2009
It's been nearly six months since Barack Obama stirred hearts and raised hopes across much of the Arab world with his much-promoted Cairo address. Many came away from it expecting a new and more vigorous U.S. attempt to settle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Others hoped for more American sympathy and support for liberal reform in countries where free expression, women's rights and democratic elections are blocked by entrenched autocracies.
That would be under President Bush, who liberated 50 million from a repressive regime and a murderous tyrant, before passing the baton over to #44.
The peace-process bubble burst two months ago at the United Nations, when Obama's poorly executed attempt to launch final-settlement talks between Israelis and Palestinians collapsed. Arabs who were led by Obama's rhetoric to believe that the United States would force Israel to make unprecedented unilateral concessions -- like a complete end to all construction in Jerusalem -- were bitterly disappointed.Read more »
But they are not the only victims of post-Cairo letdown. Arab reformers, who for most of this decade have been trying to break down the barriers to social and political modernization in the Middle East, have also begun to conclude that the Obama administration is more likely to harm than to help them.
Labels: Barack Obama, Middle East