The Forging of the Hammer that Falls Upon the Anvil
Before that, I became fascinated with poliblogs, following and reading much of Hugh Hewitt's opinions regarding old media and new media and the rise of citizen journalists. He's been one of its prominent, foremost advocates, spearheading a whole alliance network of information exchanging. Also, what he brings with him is credibility amidst criticism of the blogosphere as a bunch of know-nothing hacks in pajamas. You can say that about me (usually in my underwear and no shirt, but that's probably more information than you wanted to know), but not about someone like Hugh Hewitt who is a Constitutional Law professor (I suggest you visit his blog if you believe President Bush violated his Constitutional authority in wire-tapping; a story which looks to be a losing strategy for Democrats. Radioblogger often has transcripts of many of his interviews with some of the most brilliant legal scholars and analysts this side of politics). Hugh Hewitt decimated and dissected MSM's incompetence and dishonest self-importance throughout this past year, on his program Wednesday.
Besides political blogs, the milblogs have been one of the greatest sources of perspectives and opinions to drink in. I am now a thorough blog-junkie.
Creating this blog was mostly done for myself; so I have a place to formulate my ideas and arguments, and collect different sources of information together in one place for me to fall back upon when I need to refresh my memory on news items. It hasn't quite worked out that way, as the amount of news data and opining out there is vast and I find myself with little time to blog the way I would like to. So I've learned to find a comfortable niche and not worry about publishing and opinionating on things that my friends and others are doing so much better than me on, anyway.
What I love, is that I'm forced to do my research if I want to opine on anything with some level of knowledge and not look like a complete ignoramus. It's made me into a better, more knowledgeable conservative opinionist. Visiting liberal sites, something I hadn't done before, has also helped keep me more honest. There is nothing worse than arguing a partisan point, when the facts don't back you up; and nothing better than reading those sites as a cross-reference, and coming away with a stronger belief that your side is on the right. Certainly, I regard myself as center-right; but nothing pushes me over further and further to the right, than reading the strong opinions of liberals.
Within minutes of publishing my first introductory post here, Mark found me out, and posted a greeting. It was quite a shock as he still won't tell me what he was doing to find me. Especially so quickly, when to this day, not even most of my friends know about my blog, let alone care to pay it a visit.
I am thankful to Mark for extending the first hand of friendship to me in the blogosphere. Through him, I have "met" other bloggers and enjoy the community and readership he has developed over on his blog. In addition, for the past 6 months that I have been here, I have developed some other great relationships and thank all of you out there (including those liberals who visit and cause me to struggle and squirm; and even the others who do nothing but feel like a bad rash- at least I don't feel ignored, so thanks for the itch). I may not post all the time on your blog, but I do visit my blogroll often. With so much to read out there on a daily basis just to feel informed, I sometimes neglect leaving a comment behind. So please don't feel neglected by me. Sometimes, too, I just need a break from being "inside the wardrobe" and attend to my life in "the real world". Hey! I think I just coined a phrase: "coming out of the wardrobe". If "coming out of the closet" means you are admitting publically that you are gay, then "coming out of the wardrobe" means......"you are stepping back into reality"? Hmm...except that Narnia was the context of the books....ok, gotta think that one through a bit more.
As an aside, today at work I received my order from Amazon of

We live in a remarkable day and age where information is at your fingertips; where news dissemination is streamed in "real time", in an instant rather than waiting for you next morning on your front porch; and where you can debate and share opinions with strangers who become friends, from anywhere on the globe.
Don't forget about CJ. Today's the last day of voting. He's about 30 votes behind. It's not too late!
God bless everyone, everywhere and looking forward to more in 2006. See you folks next year!