Tuesday, January 10, 2006

If Senator Biden Were a Republican, Do You Think He'd Get a Free Pass on This from the MSM?

He most certainly didn't get a free pass from Hugh Hewitt! I managed to sit in my car for half an hour of Hugh's top of the first hour programming before having to tear myself away from the radio to go into work. And, boy, was it rich!

Today, during the Alito Hearings, Senator Biden said this:

"This is just by way of...you know, why some of us are puzzled, because if I was aware of it, and I didn't even like Princeton...No, I mean I really didn't like Princeton (laughing). Yeah, I was an Irish-Catholic kid who thought it hadn't changed like you concluded it had. I mean, I admit. I have little...you know, one of my real dilemmas is I have two kids who went to Ivy League schools. I'm not sure my grandfather, Finnegan, will ever forgive me for allowing that to happen. But all kidding aside, I wasn't a big Princeton fan."

It's only interesting, because 11 months ago, when he was speaking at Princeton, he sang a 180 degree tune:

It's an honor to be here. It would have even been a greater honor to have gone here. I have three children who have mercifully have all finally completed undergraduate and graduate school, and I tried to get all three of them to apply here...I committed a serious mistake, Dean. I've learned now, any advice I give...when you become parents, whatever school you want your child to go to, don't mention it. And so I had been pushing Princeton,"

Now, here's the real gem:

" and this magnificently attractive, intellectually and physically, beautiful young girl, was a sophomore, was showing us around, and I figured we've got a lock now. My son is going to really be interested, and I know Senators aren't supposed to say things like that, but if he hadn't been interested, I would have been worried..."

In and of itself, it's really not a big deal to me. But given how Democrats are supposed to be the "party of the sensitive"- and more accurately, "the oversensitive", it's more example of liberal hypocrisy. If a Republican Senator made that public slip (or even privately, as Dems seem desperate to dig up everything under the sun for one grain of dirt on Alito) , the mainstream press would have jumped all over it as a homophobic and insensitive statement. Fortunately for Biden, his status as a Democratic leader gets him the free pass....except among conservative bloggers.

And Hugh rightly points out, in relation to the homophobe statement, what Senator Biden said today at the hearings:

Discrimination has become very sophisticated. It has become very, very sophisticated, very much more subtle than it was when I got here 34 years ago, or 50 years ago, and, um, and employees don't say anymore, you know, "We don't like blacks in this company," or "We don't want women here." They say things like, well, "They wouldn't fit in," or you know, "They tend to be too emotional," or, um, "a little high strung." I mean, there are all different ways in which now it has become so much more subtle...

Please go to Radioblogger for some rollicking soundclips of this. Three of them. Good stuff.

I guess word got to Senator Biden about his Princeton comments, as he exercised damage control today. The hat was most certainly a nice touch...

I guess the way Biden interprets "Hearings" is to mean he gets to listen to himself grandstand for 26 of his 30 minutes, leaving Alito only 4 minutes to respond back to him.

This photo says it all in regards to the Dems realizing that all they are armed with are blanks to fire at a bullet-proof Alito.

Hat tip: Professor Bainbridge for the Biden photo.

Ex-Donkey Blog for the nail-biting dems photos.


Blogger Mike's America said...

Oh that's RICH! Biden is just becoming as sad a joke as the rest of his party. He does have his moments when he can rise above the partisan hackery that spills out of the Democrat Senate cloakroom. But I think he has been in office for far too long.

My first landlord in DC was Tom Carper, then Delaware's only Congressman, now it's junior Senator to Sr. Biden. I cannot imagine Carper EVER saying anything as stupid.

Though he did take me up to the House one day and just stood there and let Marcie Kaptur (D-OH) drool all over the two of us: "My you two look like a couple of Kennedy's. Are you brothers?" as she did the up and down look like a spotlight!

Yes, Had I done that to HER it would have been sexual harrasment. Had a Republican said what Biden did, BIG NEWS...

But as we're seeing with this phony Abramoff scandal, rules for conduct, just like ethics are only meant to be applied to Republicans.

P.S. Know what you mean about not getting to read as much. Blogging takes away all that time.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 11:30:00 PM  
Blogger pebblepie said...

Doesn't bother me either, but you sure are right about what the left would do with such statements!


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 2:31:00 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

Sigh - politics as usual...

Quick! - What's a politician's real job? Find the answer here (second entry)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006 4:10:00 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

Had to change the channel today. I was getting ill with Ted Kennedy and his attempt to paint Alito as the poster boy for CAP and a liar.

Mr. Kennedy, would you please explain what happened to Mary Jo Kopechne?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:41:00 PM  
Blogger Mike's America said...


You are invited to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the first Inauguration of President Ronald Reagan, January 20, 2006.

You're welcome to use the image from the post in any manner you see fit and to invite any others who may wish to participate.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:31:00 PM  

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